Five-year plan

Musician, actor, and animal rights champion Bree Sharp discusses her band’s recent album, the primacy of lyrics, becoming vegan, and life as learning process.

Glimpse: Luisa Dörr and Navin Kala

We see selfies everyday, but rarely do we see the people in the midst of taking those selfies. Luisa Dörr and Navin Kala show us precisely that — and in doing so, warm our hearts.

Those marvellous magical spinning machines

In this age of stunningly-complex digital animations, in which computer technology seemingly removes all limits for artists, it is refreshing and inspiring to see how the physical constraints of pottery, drawing, and paper cut-outs can be transformed into a new kind of magic.

A curious sense of dislocation

Karen Knorr has long used photography to explore the nature and implications of representation, and she has portrayed subjects and their contexts — from the members of London’s gentlemen’s clubs during the Falklands War to the animals and Mughal heritage sites of India — with this in mind, producing images that beguile and then unsettle.

Glimpse: Hajdu Tamás

Romanian photographer Hajdu Tamás achieves a delightful balance of colour and composition in his quiet — yet often quirkily-funny — urban scenes

Convict cells, graves, and gift shops

Driven by pleasure-seeking and curiosity, over the past century and a half tourism has evolved from a pastime of the leisured rich to a trillion-dollar mass industry. But tourism is about much more than fun and money, historian Richard White tells SCOPE: looked at the right way, it offers an invaluable view into a society’s relationship with its own past, and with its present identity.

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